Schedule C2 : (Property Owned by Mr. Bheemavarapu Sambi Reddy. S/o. B. Venkata Reddy) Item No. 2 : Property situated in Kurnool District Nandyal Sub-Registration District within the limits of Rythunagaram Village, Noonepalli Majara Nandyal Mandal, Kurnool District and having the following particulars : Sy No.307,308/2 Measurements : Extent : Ac 0-06 Cents and 300 links or 304.92 Sq. Yards Plot No 286. East-West: 90 links North-South : 70 links. Boundaries: East . Plot No.301 West-40 feet wide Road North : 40 feet wide Road, South : Plot No 287 of Konda Sreenivasa Reddy. The Sub-Registrar, Nandyal Kurnool District All the part and parcel of Residential Site existing now and construction to be putup there on in future. The Property situated in Kumool District, Panyam Sub-Registration District within the Village limits of Kouluru Village, Panyam Mandal, Kurnool District and having the following particulars Sy. No. 149/81 pyki After Sub-division 149-B1B Pyki. Kata No. 704.