Schedule G Property Owned By M.Senthilkaniraja) ITEM 1 All the Piece and Parcel of Land situated in Registration District of Palayamkottai, Sub- Registration District of Kovilpatti, Kovilpatti Municipality Limit, Kovilpatti Town, Previous Ward No. 8 and Ward No. 14, 26, now New Ward No.31, Sasthirinagar 1st Street, Kovilpatti Previous Adangal No. 125/2, New S. No. 590/1A measuring 1 Acre 06 Cents. S. No 590/4A measuring 1 Acre 04 Cents, S. No. 590/1B measuring 1 Acre and 06 Cents. No.590/4B measuring 1 Acre 04 Cents. totally, measures 4 Acre 20 Cents was promoted as layout by dividing into many plots. In Which Plot No.2 28 measuring 3.925 Cents and there about Bounded as follows: North by: 20 Feet wide East-West Theru, East by: Plot No. South by: Plot No.27 belongs to Senthil Kumar, West by: Municipal School Measuring East-West on the North 31.25 Feet, on the South 31.50 Feet North-South on the West 53.50 Feet, on the East 55.50 Feet I.E. 1709.937 Sq. Feet = 158.857 Sq Meter = 3.925 Cents ITEM 2 All the Piece and Parcel of Land Situated in Registration District of Palayamkottai, Sub Registration District of Kovilpatti, Kovilpatti Municipality Limit Kovilpatti Town, Previous Ward No.8 and Ward No. 14, 26, now new Ward No. 31, Sasthri Nagar 1st Street, Kovilpatti Previous Adangal No. 125/2, New S.No.590/1Ameasuring 1 Acre 06 Cents. S.No.590/4A measuring 1 Acre 04 Cents, S.No.590/1B measuring 1 Acre 06 Cents, S.No.590/4B measuring 1 Acre 04 Cents, totally measures 4 Acre 20 Cents was promoted as layout by dividing into many plots. In which Plot No.29 measuring 3.847 Cents and there about Bounded as follows: North by: 20 Feet Wide East-West Theru, East by: Plot No.30, South by: Plot No. 26 belongs to Senthil Kumar West by: Plot No. 28 Measuring East-West on the North 31.75 Feet, on South 31.50 Feet. North-South on the West 53.50 feet, on the East 52.50 feet. i.e. 1676.1 125 Sq. Feet = 155.715 Sq. Meter = 3,847 Cents