Plot in Puthur, Kanchipuram City Union Bank City Union Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s. Sivasakthi Pazhamudir Cholai
    Bank Name
    City Union Bank
    Property Type
    Item No.1: All that piece and parcel of land comprised in No 29/4 part Patta No 1269 as per Patta Sub Division S.No 29/4A5. measuring an extent of Acre 17.81 Cents. situated at Puthur Village Chengalpat Taluk Kancheepuram District Bounded on the: North by: Land in 29/4A Part, South by Land in No 29/4A Part East by Land in No 29/5B & 29/5C, West Land in S.No 29/4A Part Measuring East to West on the Northern side 125 Feet 0 inches East to West on the Southern side: 125 Feet 3 Inches North to South on the Eastern side: 70 Feet 4 1/2 Inches North to South on the Western side 60 Feet 0 Inches Item No.2 All that piece and parcel of land comprised in No 29/4A part, Patta No. 1270. as pert Patta Sub division lo.29/4A6. measuring an extent of Acre 19.33 Cents. Situated at Puthur Village, Chengalpat Taluk Kancheepuram District Bounded on the North by Land in 29/4A South by Land in No 29/4B part East by Land in S No 29/5C West by Land in S.No.29/3 Measuring East to West on the Northern side: 125 feet 0 inches East to West on the Southern side 125 Feet 3 Inches North to South on the Eastern side 70 Feet 4 1/2 inches North to South on the Western side 60 Feet 0 inches Item No.3 All that piece and parcel of land comprised in No 29/4A part. Patta No 1268 as per patta Sub Division No 29/4A4 measuring an extent of Acre 24.16 Cents. situated at Puthur Village Chengalpat Taluk. Kancheepuram District Bounded on the North by: Land in o.29/4A South by: Land in No 29/4A Part East by: Land in S.No 29/4A Part West by: Land in S.No.29/3 measuring East to West on the Northern side 53 Feet 0 Inches East to West on the Southern side 53 Feet 3 Inches North to South on the Eastern side: 192 Feet 0 inches North to South on the Western side 192 Feet 0 inches Schedule B All that piece and parcel of land bearing Plot No C3. measuring 3128 Sq Plot D1 measuring 2816 Sq.ft. Plot D2 measuring 2028 Sq.ft. Plot D3 measuring 2846 Sq.ft with a common passage measuring 456 Sq.f leading to 20 feet wide Road and Plot No. measuring 3180 Sq. comprised in Nos 29/4A5 part 29/4A6 part and 29/4A4 Part. total measuring anextent of 14454 Sq.ft. situated at Puthur Village Chengalpat Taluk, Kancheepuram District Bounded on the North by: Plot NosC2. E2 and 20 Feet wide Road, South by: Land in No.29/4B, East by: Land in S.No.29/5B and 29/5C, West by: Land in Measuring East to West on the Northern e:52.3+20.0+53.0 Feet East to West on the Southern side: 125.3 Feet North to South on the Easter side: 130.5 Feet North to South on the Western side 120.5 Feet lying within the Sub Registration District of Tambaram and Registration District of South Chennai. Schedule C Flat bearing lo.E1S2 in Second Floor. building known as JOEL VILLA with a super built up area measuring 852 Sq.ft, having a plinth area measuring 710 Sq.ft, and common areas measuring 142 Sq.ft, including car parking in Ground floor areas together with undivided share of land measuring an extent of 479 Sq.ft, out of whole property mentioned in Schedule B
    Puthur, Kanchipuram
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 17 Aug 2023 12:00 AM
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    Contact Details for Support
    City Union Bank Limited, Thiruvenchery Branch, Plot No.3, S.No 385/2 Agaramthen Road (Near Bharath University), Thiruvenchery, Kancheepuram 600073 Telephone 044-22292559. Cell o.9345179609
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