Plot in Thiruchengodu, Namakkal City Union Bank City Union Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Sony Borewells
    Bank Name
    City Union Bank
    Property Type
    Namakkal Registration District and Thiruchengodu Sub-Registration District, Thiruchengodu Taluk Thiruchengodu Village, Survey No. 124/1A As per Town Survey Ward G, Block No TSLR Nos. 78. 79 and 81, Municipal Ward No 21, CHB Colony, Street No Total Extent 3,093 3,600 = 6693 Sq.ft of Land Boundaries Item No.1: East The Property relating to Samiyappan and T.S South 8 feet breadth Road on South-North Direction and Malaikavalar Kovil Land, West The Property identified as T.S.L.R No.82/2 other Property, North: The Property identified as T.S.L.R No 82/1 Muthusamy Land 1st Bit: East to West (on Northern Side) 671/2 feet, East to West (on Southern Side) 551/2 feet. South to North (on Eastern Side) 361/2 feet. South to North (on Western Side) 61 1/2 feet, Total Extent 2,933 Sq.ft. of Land 2nd Bit: East to West (on Northem Side) 61 feet, East to West (on Southern Side) 671/2 feet South to North (on Western Side) 8 feet, Total Extent 160 Sq.ft of Triangle Shape Land. Boundaries Item No.2 South to The Property relating to Ravi and T.S No 74,75 &76. West The remaining Property of the Vendors, North The Property relating to Samiyappan and others, East to 12 feet breadth Common Road on South-North Direction, Measurement East to West (on Northern Side) 73 feet. East to West (on Southern Side) 71 feet, South to North (on both Sides) 50 feet Extent 3,600 Sq. ft of Land, Total extent 3,093+3,600) =6,693 Sq.ft. of land with all appurtenances and accessories attached therein. (The above said Property has been assigned as per the New Town Survey Ward G. Block No. 8, T.S.L.F Nos 77, 78.79&82 to the extent of 0.0622 .mtrs.) Schedule B (Property Owned by Mr. N. Gunasekaran, S/o. Natarajan) Namakkai Registration District and Thiruchengodu Sub-Registration District, Thiruchengodu Taluk Thiruchengodu Village Survey No. 124/1F T.S.L.R. Ward G. Block No. 8. C.H.B Colony. Street No 9. Plot No. Total Extent 600 Sq.ft. of Land, Door No. Boundaries East North-South Municipal Road, West T.V. Muthusamy and others Property. North Muthusamy Property, South Remaining Property of title holder N.Gunasekaran, st-West (On both Sides) 30 feet, rth-South (On both Sides) 20 feet, Total Extent Sq.ft of land with all appurtenance, accessories and all passage and easementary attached therein
    6693 Sq Ft
    Thiruchengodu, Namakkal
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 27 Nov 2024
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    Bank Contact Details
    Telephone No 04288-256356 Cell No. 9344038628
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