Plot in Villianur, Puducherry City Union Bank City Union Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s. Bagyalakshmi Construction
    Bank Name
    City Union Bank
    Property Type
    Schedule - A (Property Owned by Mr. T. Arun Mohandoss, S/o. Mr. Thirumal) Item No.1 : All that piece and parcel of land in R.S.No.129. Cadastre No .1231 Bis, Patta No. 188, in Oulavaikail Revenue Village, Village No.31. Villianur Commune Panchayat and Sub-Registration District, Pondicherry Registration District, with a Total extent of 02 Hectares 13 Ares 50 Centiares which has been laid out into Plots and out which i) Plot No. .60 measuring East -West 20 feet South . North 60 feet, Total 1,200 Sq.ft. ii) Plot No. .61 measuring East . West 20 feet, South . North 60 feet, Total 1,200 Sq.ft. iii) Plot No. 62 measuring East . West 20 feet South - North 60 feet or 1,200 Sq.ft. Common boundaries:- To the East of Plot No.59, To the West of Plot No.63, To the North of 2nd Main Road, To the South of Plot Nos 49, 48 and 47.
    Villianur, Puducherry
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 23 Feb 2024
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