All that piece and parcel of Half Undivided Share of land is situated in the sanctioned plan bearing plot No.A.P.1130. Old Survey No 247/1 par, New Town Survey No. 149, Block No.4 46, 75th Street, 12th Sector, K.K. Nagar, Virugambakkam Village, Mambalam Taluk, Chennai - 600078 measuring Nil Grounds 0880 Square feet and thereabouts and Bounded on the : North by: Plot No.A.P.1117 South by: 20 Feet Road, (75th Street), East by: Plot No A.P.1129 West by : Plot No.A.P.1131. Measuring : On the North - 22 feet. On the East - 40 feet, in the all measuring NIL Grounds 0880 Square feet along with Ground Floor building measuring 800 Sq.ft, Constructed thereon bearing Old Door No.51, New Door No.47 and the Property is situated within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub-Registration District of Virugambakkam.