Schedule B: (Property Owned by Mr. Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, S/o. Kirshna Reddy) Ac .68 cents of land (out of Ac 5.64 Cents) in D.No.130/19 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Machayapalem Vilage, Pidugurala Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District, Guntur District and bounded by East: Land of Ramanaboina Lakshmi Narayana, South : Land of Maddu Lakxhmi Koteswara Rao. West: Forest Reserve Land, North : Land of Murikipudi Krupadanam Ac.2.13 Cents of Land in D.Nos. 130/10, 130/11, 130/20 situated within Machayapalem Gram PanchayatArea Machayapalem Village, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East: Land of Badduri Kasi Reddy. South: Land of Palakaluri Brahmaiah etc., West: Land of Maddu Koteswara Rao, North Land of Badduri Ramakotamma Ac 2.14 Cents of Land in D.Nos.130/20 159/1 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area, Machayapalem village, Piduguralla Sub-District Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East: Land of Tiyyagura Pitchi Reddy, South: Drainage Canal, West: Land of Palakaluri Brahmachari, North : Drainage Canal. Ac.0.75 Cents of Land (out of Ac.2.65 Cents) in D.No.130/20 situated within Machayapalem Gram Panchayat Area. Machayapalem Village, Piduguralla Sub-District, Narasaraopet Registration District Guntur District and bounded by East Land of Challa Rajasekhara Reddy, South: Donka, West Land of Ala Saidulu, North Drainage Canal