Land and residential Building situated at House No,974 (Old), 1530 (New), Ward No.6, Haryana Bidi Udhyog, Bahodapur Hatiapore, Jhansi Ganj, Tehsil as District-Gwalior (M.P.), land area admeasuring 3806 i.e. 40952.56 sq.ft., constructed area GF- 15,182sqft., FF-2,293 sq.ft., SF-2,293sq.ft., Tin Shed-6,090sq.ft., in the name of Shri Gopal eDutt Dholakhandi S/o Late Shri Keshav Dutt Dholakhandi and Hem Dutt Dholakhandi S/o Late Shri Keshav Dutt Dholakhandi.