Schedule -M (as per DRC) All that piece and parcel of land situated at Mettu Nasuvampalayam Village (Avárangadu) Erode Taluk, within the Jimits of Bhavani Sub Registration and Erode Registration District bearing RS. Nos 161/5 measuring 1.45.5 (3 Acre s9 Cents) R.S. Nos. 161/6 measuring 0.07.5 (0 Acre 18 Cents) R.S. Nos. 159/1 measuring 0.78.5 (1 Acre 94 Cents) R.S. Nos. 159/2 measuring 0.23.5 (0 Acre 58 Cents) R.S. Nos. 159/5 measuring 0.37.0 (0 Acre 92 Cents) In all admeasuring 7 Acre 21 Cents Together with canal usage, cart track common usage and all Easementary rights in R.S. No. 159/6 and 7