Office premises No. 34, admeasuring about 207 sq. ft., built-up area and office premises No.35, admeasuring about 244 sq. ft., built-up area constructed on all that piece & parcel of land admeasuring about 311 sq. yards equivalent to 260 sq. mtrs., on the 3r d floor, in the building known as ‘Faiz-EEdroos Premises Cooperative Society Ltd.’, bearing final Plot No.21 of Mandvi Town Planning Scheme No.1, being Laughton’s Survey No.2473, Collector’s New No.6597 & Cadastral Survey No.248 of Mandvi Division & assessed by the Assessor & Collector of Municipal Rates & Taxes under ‘E’ Ward No.1152(3), Street No.371-373 at Narsi Natha Street, in the City Island & Registration District & Sub-District of Bombay City & Bombay Suburban & bounded as follows: on or towards the South by Kalbi Building standing on property bearing Cadastral Survey No.249 of Mandvi Division, on or towards the North by the Devgat Syed Husein Indrus, on or towards the East by Syed Mukri Street & on or towards the West by Narsi Natha Street.