Lot 2 : Movables Property: (i). All that hypothecated movable property lying in the building at land bearing Gat No.595 (P) situated at Village Mouje Jambhali, Taluka Shirol, within the limits of Registration District Kolhapur, Sub Registration District Shirol, and District Kolhapur.Inventory List: 1) Weighing Machine 2) Delta Conveyor Belt, 3) 4 Wooden Tables, 4) 3 Drums, 5) Plastic Trays, 6) Scraps (in store room), 7) Iron Table - 2 Nos.. 8) Scrap Trays, 9) Iron Trays, 10) Aerotherm 4 Nos., 11) Scrap Trays, 12) 4 Iron Tables, 13) Mixer Big, 14) 2 Iron Tables, 15) Steel Cupboard, 16) Small Weighing Machine, 17) 3 Iron Rack for keeping Trays, 18) Conveyor Fans, 19) D. G. Set (Outside the Bldg.), 20) Electric Starter and 21) First Floor (Office Material) 2 Plastic Trays, 1PC (Scrap), 2 Wooden Tables + 2 Wooden Tables.