1. Property standing in the name CD No. 2 Smt. Reena Devi. W/O Sri Kapleshwar Mandal vide Sale Deed No. 472 dated 31.01.2005. Mauza- Madarpur, P.S. Laheriasarai Registry & District Darbhanga Tauzi No. 3331. Thana No. 509. Ward No 22. Khata No. 446(0) 541(N), Khesra No 964 (O), 1037(N) area 12 Dhur 14 Kanwa = 1235 sq. ft. Bounded and butted as follows -North Road 10 wide: South Road 10ft. wide: East Dr. Sapna Kumari & Rinku Kumari: and West Niz Vikreta