SCHEDULE-B : Vacant site in an area of 11,954.80 yards = Ac.2-47 cents = 0-994 hectors in middle out of Ac.7-00 on western side out of Ac.7-37 cents out of Ac.8-37 cents in full in No.808/2 situated at Nidadavole within Nidadavole Municipal Area, Nidadavole Mandal, within Sub Registrar of Nidadavole, W.G.Dt. Property Documents Standing in the name of Mr. K. Srinivas (Doc No. 1819/2007, dated within the following Boundaries East : Land of executant in part and land of Nalla Hari Prasad and Sunkavalli Ramesh in part South : Land of Prathipati Prasadu, West Land of executant North : Puntha