All that a flat being No. 405 on the fourth foor of the building namely "Madhukunj", having super built up area of 554 sq ft together with undivided proportionate share of total land 10 cottahs 5 chittacks and 16 sq ft lying and situate at Mouza Srerampore, J.L No. 13, R.S Dag No. 7315/12239, L.R Dag No. 7558 and 7560, under L.R Khatian No. 25830, 25831, 25832, 28324, R.S Khatian No 1171, 4784, Holding No. 62, Ward No. 19, P.S. Srerampore, GT Road, Hoogly-712201, within the ambit of Srerampore municipality, the said flat butted and Bounded by North - Open to sky; South - Open to sky and Flat No. 404: East - Flat No. 406 and lift and stair; West - Open to sky