Details of Schedule of Property: All that piece and parcel of the property bearing New BBMP No. 62, Old PID No.96-148-62, New PID No. 022- W009-4, Church Block, Vishwanatha Nagenahalli, Old Ward No. 96, New Ward No. 22; (formerly Site Nos. 31 and 32 formed in Sy/Assessment No:24, Khata No:24, situated at Vishwanatha Nagenahalli Village, Kasaba Hobli, Bengaluru North Taluk), Bengaluru, measuring EAST to: WEST: 40 (Forty) feet and NORTH to SOUTH: 60 (Sixty) feet; in all: total measuring 2400 sq. ft., and the bounded on East by: Property belones to Sri. Dodd a Muninagappa, West by: Road, North by: Property belongs to Miss. KAREN AKKANSHA PAUL, then Railway Track : South by: Property belongs to Sri. Anantharam Singh, Along with 8 squares RCC roofed building thereon constructed with cement and brick, mosaic flooring, jungle wood used for doors and windows with all civic amenities.