All that consisting of Flat No. 101 admeasuring 3920.089 sq. fts., (built up) including terrace/balconies, on the First Floor, along with Open Space admeasuring 1500 sq. fts. and 4 Covered car parking each admeasuring 9.29 sq. mtrs., on the Fisrt Floor, along with loft each admeasuring 226 Sq. fts. and Flat No. 101 (as per Commencement Certificate dated 11.03.2013 bearing No BP/Kiwale/3/2013, in the building known as 'Mahadik Classic', constructed on land admeasuring 8.75 R out of S. No. 38 Hissa No.1 situated at Kiwale, Taluka Haveli, District Pune and within the limits of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation and within the registration jurisdiction of Sub Registrar Haveli Pune