Plot in Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur Encore ARC Encore ARC


    Borrower Name
    M/s Jagannath Sizers
    Bank Name
    Encore ARC
    Property Type
    The property situated at Shahpur now within the Municipal area of Ichalkaranji bearing new C.G.No.22090 (Northern part) [Old C.G.No.819 N.A. Plot No. 1] measuring 343.86 Sq Mtrs. with construction thereon (Also charged for the loan accounts of Jadhav Sizers and Jadhav Sizing Industries) The property situated at Shahpur now within the Municipal area of Ichalkaranji bearing C.G.No.22097 [Old C.G.No.821 N.A. Plot No.4(part)] area admeasuring 449.50 Sq Mtrs. with construction thereon (Also charged for the loan accounts of Jadhav Sizers and Jadhav Sizing Industries) The property situated at Shahpur now within the Municipal area of Ichalkaranji bearing new C.G. No 52209 (Northern part) [Old C.G.No.821 N.A. Plot No.5 (Part)] measuring 224.45 Sq Mtrs. with construction thereon The property situated at Shahpur now within the Municipal area of Ichalkaranji bearing new C.G.No.22098 (Southern part) [Old C.G.No.821 N.A. Plot No.5 (part)] measuring 224.45 Sq Mtrs. with construction thereon. (Also charged for the loan accounts of Jadhav Sizing Industries) The property situated at Shahpur now within the Municipal area of Ichalkaranji bearing new C.G.No.22099 (Southern part) [Old C.G.No.821 N.A. Plot No.6 (part)] measuring 228.35 Sq Mtrs. with construction thereon (Also charged for the loan accounts of Jadhav Sizing Industries) The property situated at Shahpur now within the Municipal area of Ichalkaranji bearing new C.G.No.22099 (Northern part) [Old C.G.No.821 N.A. Plot No. 6 (part)) measuring 228.35 Sq Mtrs. with construction thereon. (Also charged for the loan accounts of Jadhav Sizing Industries) The property situated at Shahpur now within the Municipal area of Ichalkaranji bearing new C.G.No.22100 [Old C.G.No.821 N.A. Plot No. 7] measuring 561.0 Sq. Mtrs. with construction thereon The afore mentioned properties at Nos. C, D. E, F. G. H and I are adjoining each other and collectively bounded as below: On or towards East: Property of Mr. Shelar & Road, On or towards West Road, On or towards South: Property of Mr. Khamkar, On or towards North: Property of Mr. Shelar and Mr. Rathod(Also charged for the loan accounts of Jadhav Sizing Industries)
    561.0 Sq Mtrs
    Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Mon, 21 Oct 2024 12:00 AM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Tue, 22 Oct 2024
    Add To Calendar
    Inspection Date & Time
    09-10-2024 To 21-10-2024 10:00 AM To 06:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Prakash Chaudhary - 97126 68557
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