Applicant Mrs. Saroj Bai W/o. Shivnarayan Patel All that Piece and Parcel of land and Plot/Residential House Situated at Mauja Tilak Ward Sohagpur Halka No. 19 with in the Nagar Parishad Limits of Sohagpur Teshsil Sohagpur and District Hoshanagabad total Admeasuring area of 800 sq.ft. or 74.34 Sqm. North by : Plot of Rajkumar South by Common Exit Way East by : Land of Malti Bai West by : Adjacent Land of Kamla Bai Measurement : 800 sq.ft or 74.34 Sqm. Situated at within the Sub-Registration of Tehsil Sohagpur District of Hoshangabad. Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth of permanently fastened to anything attached to earth, both present and future and all easamentary / mamool rights annexed thereto.