All that pieces and parcels of land together with RCC Building comprised in Grama Natham
S.No.171/1 as per Patta No.171/16 measuring 730 sq.ft., (67.81 sq mtr) together with (RCC)
House 60 sq mtr (646 sq.ft.,) Door No.1/119, sutyated within the limit of Kandhili Panchayat
Union, Kandhili Village, Tirupattur Taluk, Tirupattur District, and bounded on the:
Four Corners of the Said Property:
North by
South by
East by
West by
: Mannuammal Vacant Land,
: Rajaveethi
: Nanjundan House, and
: Fisheries Land
Situated within the Sub-Registration District of Tirupattur and Registration District of Vellore.
Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth or permanently fastened to
anything attached to earth, both present and future and all easementary/ mamool rights
annexed thereto.