All that piece and parcel of Land and building, H.No.86, Total Admeasuring of Area 15 x 30 = 450 Sq.Ft, Situated at Kumhar Bhatti, Palda Village, Indore District, Madhya Pradesh and bounded on the North by House of Mr.Gopal; South by Common Road; by: House of Mr.Mukesh; West by Tree and Well; Measurement 15 X 30 = 450 Sq.Ft under Loan Agreement-cum-Mortgage of the property Situated at within the Sub-Registration District of Indore and Registration District of Indore together with all buildings and Structure attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to earth, both present and future and all easasmentary/mamool rights annexed thereto, and the boundaries of the said land are as follows. Reserve Price: Rs. 1440000/- Earnest Money Deposit: Rs. 144000/ Satyendra Dawane-9009404828 Suryakant Rawat-9685768426