DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY Residential Open land bearing Plot No. 1 Part, admeasuring 150 square yards or 125.419 Square Meters , in survey no. 410., situated at Khalsa Ibrahimpatnam Vlllage, Ibrahimpatnam Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District Under Ibrahimpatnam Nagarapanchayat, Telangana State and registration , Sub- Districtibrahimpatnam bounded by : North by : Plotted Area South by : Plot No. 1, Part of K. Aruna East by : Road West by : Neighbour's Property Measurement 150 square yards, or 125.419 : Residential Square Open Meters land , in bearing survey Plot no. No. 410. 1 Part, admeasuring Situated at within the Sub-Registration District of Ibrahimpatnam and Registration District of Ranga Reddy. Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth of permanently fastened to anything attached to earth, both present and future and all easamentary / mamool rights annexed thereto.