All the piece and parcel of the Non-Agricultural immovable Property situated at Adayar Village of Mangalore Taluk within the limit of Mangalore city Corporation and within the Sub-Registration Sub-District of Mangalore Taluk and Comprised in: Item No.1 Sy.No.21/16P2, Kissam-Converted Extent A-C 0.15. Item No. 2. Sy.No.21/16P2 Kissam-Converted Extent A-C 0.49 Total-0.64 Aforesaid 64 Cents of Land with residential Building Bearing Door No 3-51/1. Ground Floor (1400.10 Sq.ft) and First floor Measuring 1284 Sq Ft. Together with right of Road way, water and all Mammol and easementary Rights appurtenant thereto. Boundaries of Item No.1:- North by: Portion of the same Sy No. South by: Portion of the same Sy No. East by: Portion of the same Sy. No., West by: Portion of the same sy No. Boundries of Item No.2:- North: Sub-division 15 cents Road South-Sub Division 2, 3. East by: Portion of the same Sub-division, West by. Sub-Division 15C & 16.