An Undivided and Unspecified share of an extent of 70 Sq.Yds or 58.529 Sq.Mts of Site in a total extent of
614.31 Sq,Yds of site with all rights of easement situate in R.s.No.259/1, 2B Plot No.16,17 nearest
Door.No. 2-205/4 situated at kanuru village, Kanuru Gram Panchayat Area, Penamaluru Mandal, Patamta
Sub-Rigistry, Krishna District being bounded by
North Plot No.15 69.0ft,
South Kancherla Lakshmaiah &Others; sold property to others 75.9ft,
East 30ft wide road 76.3ft,
West Ummadi Narasimham sold property to others 73.3ft
Bearing Flat No.102(Triple Bed room) in Ground Floor under name and style of SAI SRINIVASAM with plinth area 1330 sq.ft, 335 Sq.ft
common area and 100 Sq.ft Car Parking area situate in A-Schedule being bounded by
North Stair case and common corridor,
South Open to sky,
East Open to sky,
West Open to sky