Schedule A :- All that piece and parcel of the residentially converted immovable property vacant site bearing Nos.28, 29, 57 and 58, Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palke, Bangalore has assigned as property bearing No.568/15/1. 28, 29. and 58 amalgamated Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palke Bangalore Katha No. 568/15/ 1, 28. 29, 57 and 58, property register No.568, formed in converted land bearing survey No 15/1. duly converted for non-agricultural residential purpose. vide official Memorandum No.ALN.SR.80/81-82. dated 08-12-1982 issued by the then Tahasildar, Bangalore South Taluk Bangalore situated at Arehalli Village Uttarahali Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk measuring East to West 120 feet and North to South 80 feet in all measuring 9600 square feet and the same is bounded on the East by Road, Westby Road North by : Property bearing Nos 27 and 59, South by: Property bearing Nos 30 and 56. Schedule B All that piece and parcel of the residential apartment/ flat bearing unit No.TF-304 situated in Third Floor, portion of the multi-storied residential apartment/building known as "AJANTHANEST", constructed in the schedule A property. having super built up area of 1500 square feet and 343 square feet of undivided share consisting of three bed rooms flat, along with one covered car parking area in the basement floor, lift and all the common usage right over the common passage.