The property being the southern side flat admeasuring 978 sq. ft (90.89 sq. mtrs) approx., on the second floor of the building constructed upon land admeasuring 03 cottahs 10 chittaks more or less, situated at Mouza: Raipur, JI No.: 33, SP No.: 53, CS Plot No.: 520 (P), within the limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation Ward No.: 99, Assessee No. : 21-099-04- 1296-0, KMC Premises No.: 64/8/2/230 Raipur Road, postal address: 2/136M, Sree Colony, P.S.: Netaji Nagar (Earlier Jadavpur), Kolkata: 700092, alongwith the undivided proportionate share of the land and the construction thereon present and in future (the said property). The premises is butted and bounded as follows: On the North Colony Road, On the South EP No. 399, On the East EP No. 401, On the West: Colony Road