SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTIES: that part and parcel of the land and building house, situated at Plot No. Door No 19/17C, MBT Road West Part, Ward 'A' Block No. 17, Periyar nagar, Karai, Ranipet, Vellore District, Comprised in Old S.Nos. 10, 13/1, 13/2A & 14/1A, New T.S. 81, Bounded on the On the North by Plot No.46, On the South by Layout, On the East by Plot No. 54, On the West by Plot No.52 Situated within the Registration District of Arakonam and Sub Registration District of Walaja. Reserve Price: Rs. 1,10,06,928/- (Rupees One Crore Ten Lakh Six Thousand Nine Hundred & Twenty Eight Only)