Land With Building in Thondamuthur, Coimbatore HDFC Bank HDFC Bank


    Borrower Name
    Mr. Vasanthakumar P
    Bank Name
    HDFC Bank
    Property Type
    land with building
    Schedule-'A All the part and parcel of Land with Building situated at Coimbatore Registration District. Thondamuthur Sub- Registration District, Coimbatore Taluk, Vedapatti Village, Survey Nos 257 (Under Patta No 534), 252/1B, 253/1, 251/1, 254. 258. 259/2, 260/2. aggregating in all to 10 Acres and 87 1/2 Cents, Together with all appurtenances attached to the said land and easementary rights attached to the said land. Out of 10 Acres and 87 1/2 Cents, developers have gifted 75039 Sq.ft towards OSR, & approach Road to OSR to Vedapatti Town Panchayat, and 3064.52 Sq.ft, for Scheme Road balance has been shared as UDS. Schedule- 'B' In the property descr ibed in Schedule 'A', above an undivided 180.06 Sq.ft (or) 16.72 of Land. The Property is situated within Vedapatti Town Panchayat. Schedule- 'C' The Apartment bearing Unit No.1 on the Ground Floor of Type 1 BHK. Row 03. Block B. having acarpetarea ofabout252.75 Sq.ft n the Residential Complex/Township called "Garden City", and on the land set out and described in Schedule "A"
    Thondamuthur, Coimbatore
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Fri, 24 Nov 2023 02:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Sat, 25 Nov 2023 01:00 PM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Sat, 25 Nov 2023 01:30 PM
    Contact Details for Support
    Tel No : (0422) 4301152 / 4301153 & 4301154
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    HDFC Bank
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