All that piece and parcel of immovable Shop No. 8 in Block A on Ground Floor (Ground Floor As per plan approved by AUDA) having it's Super Built Up area 22.30 Sq. Mtrs. along with undivided proportionate land in the scheme called "NAVJIVAN VIHAR situate, lying and being developed on Non Agricultural Land being Final Plot No. 254 admeasuring about 6464 Sq. Mtrs. [(given in lieu of old Block No. 254 palki admeasuring 9925 Sq. Mtrs. (now New Block .30 admeasuring about 10196 Sq. Mtrs. as per record promulgation] of Town Planning Scheme No. 413 (Geratpur- Ropada) of Mouje Geratpur, Taluka Dascroi, Registration District Ahmedabad, Sub Registration District-Ahmedabad-11 (Aslali).