As per Registered Settlement Deed Dated 13-12-2017 vide document No. 2948/2017 Item No. 1 East Godavari District, Ravulapalem Mandal, inRavulapalem Sub- Registry, Ravulapalem Panchayathi Area, Ravulapalem Village, in Survey No. 220/1, site consisting of 166.888 Sq. yards in it eastern side site consisting of 148 Sq. yards along with tiled house bearing Door No. 5-192 within the following boundaries East : House belongs to Kota Satyanarayana . 28.04 ft South Zilla Parishad Road . 48.10 ft, West: Item No. 2 -28.04 ft, North : House belongs to Dommet Surya Narayana -44.10 ft. Within the above said boundaries site consisting of 148 Sq. yards along with tiled house and along with all usual and esumentary rights. Item No. 2 Ditto Village, in Survey No. 220/1 site consisting of 166. 888 Sq yards in it western side site consisting of 18.888 Sq. meters within the following boundaries East: Item No. 1 . 28.04 ft South: Zilla Parishad Road - 06.00 ft. West : joint passage way . 28.04 ft. North House belongs to Dommet Surya Narayana . 06.00 ft. Within the above said boundaries site consisting of 18.888 Sq. yards. All that peace and parcel of the property Ground, Two upper Floors and pent house The total building covered by the above two items come to 166.88 Sq yards = 139.535 Sq. yards of site along with all usual and reasumentary rights etc.