Flat in Bidhannagar, North 24 Parganas IDBI Bank IDBI Bank


    Borrower Name
    Shri Amit Das
    Bank Name
    IDBI Bank
    Property Type
    Flat Details: ALL THAT piece and parcel of flat measuring 806 Sq.Ft super buil t up area at the Block III, Fifth Floor, Flat No. 5H, against payment of the allotted money, the building (G+5 storied) known as "Club Residenza" together with right to use the common areas parts and facilities and undivided and undemarcated proportionate share in the land, and it is butted and bounded by as follows: On the North: Passage and flat no .5-K; On the South: Vendors Land; On the East: Flat No.5-1; On the West: 10 ft. passage and block II. Land Details:- ALL THAT piece and parcel of land measuring, 19 cottahs 2 chittacks, 52 Sq.Ft. comprised in R.S. Dag No. 429, 419, R.S. Khatian No. 1249 of Mouza Gopalpur, J.L. No. 2, R.S. No. 140, Touzi No. 2998, Ward No. 6, Narayanpur, Burtolla, under Rajarhar Gopalpur Municipality, P.S. Airport, District North 24 Paraganas and A.D.S.R.O.-Bidhannagar (Salt Lake City), Kolkata - 700136 which is butted and bounded as follows: On the North: R.S. Dag No.490(Part); On the South: Land; On the East: R.S. Dag No. 489 (part) and 12 ft. wide passage; On the West: R.S. Dag No. 489 (Part).
    806 Sq Ft
    Bidhannagar, North 24 Parganas
    North 24 Parganas
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    2,800 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 29 Aug 2024
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    Bank Contact Details
    IDBI BANK LTD Retail Recovery Department 44, , Shakespeare Sarani, 2nd Floor, Kolkata - 700 017 Ph. No.: 033-66557766/839, Website:- www.idbibank.in CIN-L65190MH2004GOI148838
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