All that piece and parcel of vacant land, measuring an extent of 2392 sgft bearing Plot No - 17, sanctioned and approved of GANAPATHY NAGAR LP./D.T.C.P.25/89, comprised in S.No - 467/5, situated at No.6, Nandhivram Village, Chengalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram District, With in the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub Registration District of Guduvancheri. North by 30 Feet wide road of the same layout, South by Vacant Land, East by 30 Feet wide Road of the same layout, West by Plot no. 16, of the same layout, Measuring: North to south on the Eastern side - Feet, North to South on the Western Side - 73 Feet, East to west on the Northern Side 33 Feet, East to West on the Southern side - 33 Feet. In all admeasuring an extent of 2392 Sqft or thereabouts. SCHEDULE - B Property: (SUB- DIVISION PROPERTY): All that piece and parcel of vacant land bearing sub divided Plot No.17B, measuring an extent of 990 Sqft. sanctioned and approved of GANAPATHY NAGAR L.P./D.T.C.P.25/89, Comprised in S.No.467/5 situated at No.6, NANDHIVARAM VILLAGE, Chengalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram District, Within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub registration District of Guduvancheri.Bounde on the North by - Sub- divided Plot No. 17A, South by Vacant Land, East by 30 Feet Wide Road of the same layout, West by Plot No. of the same layout. Measuring; North to South on the Eastern Side 30 Feet, North to South on the Western Side Feet, East to west on the Northern side 30 Feet, East to west on the Southern Side 30 Feet. In all admeasuring an extent of 990 Sqft or thereabouts. SCHEDULE C: (Flat hereby allotted to the Purchases) 417 Sqft Undivided share of Land out of Schedule A Property.A Flat bearing No.S "B - Block in second floor and measuring 995 sqft of plinth area inclusive of Common Area like corridor, stair case landing, headroom,overhead tank, Sump, pump room etc., in the scheme Known as "SRISAI KRISHNA". And one covered car park bearing No BS 1 in the Ground Floor. Situate within the Sub registration District of GUDUVANCHERY and Registration District of Chennai South