Property details: Schedule A-Non-agricultural immovable property held on warg right ullal village of Mangaluru Taluk within Ullal Nagarasabhe and within the sub registration district of Mangaluru taluk Dakshina Kannada district and comprised inItem no :1 Sy no : 38-1 T Sy no:7-2-534-57 Kissam: Converted Extent A-C:Item no :2 Sy no : 38-3 (38-3P2 as per RTC) T Sy no:7-2-534-57 Kissam: Converted Extent A-C: 0-19.25 Total 0-64.25Including residential apartment building known as SHAHAL RESIDENCY and all rights of way and water and all other mamool easementry rights Boundaries Item no 1 North: survey line/remaining portion of same sy no South: Remamining portion of same sy no and Road East: Survey line and road West: SD Line Boundaries of Item no 2 North: Sub division Line South: Remaining portion of same Sy no and Road East: Portion of same Sy no West: Portion of same Sy no Schedule B: Particulars of the Apartment: 2 BHK Residential apartment no 305 A bearing city corporation door no 9-53/66(20) on third floor of Block A of apartment building known as "SHAHAL RESIDENCY" measuring 1556 sq ft along with car parking slot in the ground floor with 2.55percentage undivided right title and interest in the schedule A land together with the right in the common area of the said apartment building and facilities as described in the deed of declaration