Vacant Land in Asthinapuram, Kanchipuram IDBI Bank IDBI Bank


    Borrower Name
    Shri. R Deivasigamani
    Bank Name
    IDBI Bank
    Property Type
    vacant land
    All that piece and parcel of the Land bearing Plot No.23 "RR Platinum City" Located at Village No.24, Asthinapuram Village, Kumizhi Panjayath Chengalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram District comprised in S.No.33/4 measuring 1500 Sq.ft, vide approval in No.LP/DDTCP(CR) No 09/2017. Dated on 27.02.2017. Bounded on the: North by Plot No.22, South by Plot No.24, East by Vacant Land, West by 30 Feet Wide Road. Measuring on this: North by 50 Feet, South by 50 Feet, East by 30 Feet, West by 30'Feet. Situated within the Registration District of Chengalpattu and the Sub Registration District of Thiruporur, within the limits of Kattankulathur Panchayat Union and Kumizhi Panchayat. Together with all and singular the structures and erections thereon, both present and future. Property owned and mortgaged by Shri. R Deivasigamani
    1500 Sq Ft
    Asthinapuram, Kanchipuram
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    2,080 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Tue, 11 Jun 2024 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:30 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:30 AM
    Inspection Date & Time
    06-06-2024 11:00 AM To 12:30 PM
    Contact Details for Support
    Ph No :- 044-27461738
    EAuction Website
    IDBI Bank
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