All That Piece And Parcel Of Immovable Property Premises Of Shop No. 4 Admeasuring 246.08 Sq. Fts., I.E. 22.87 Sq. Mtrs., Built-Up Area Alongwith Construction Along With Proportionate Undivided Share In Road, Cop & Ground Land, Admeasuring 12.82 Sq. Mtrs., "Building-C", "Ground Floor', Sai Pujan Residency", Developed Upon Land Situated In State: Gujarat, District: Surat, Sub-District & Taluka: Surat Surat City, Moje: Village Dindoli, Revenue Survey No. 330/2, Block No. 475, T.P. Scheme No. 40 (Limbayat Dindoli). Final Plot No. 57/B, (As Per T.R. New Final Plot No. 107) Admeasuring 5477 .00 Sq. Mtrs., Paikee Admeasuring 4062.2 29 Sq. Mtrs., For Residential Purposed & Admeasuring 1414.31 Sq. Mtrs. For Commercial Purposed N A Land Paikee, And Bounded As:- On The East: Adjoining Shop No. 5. On The West: Adjoining Shop No. 3. On The North: Adjoining Road & On The South: Adjoining Compound