All the piece and parcel of Row Bunglow Plot No.2 admeasuring 61.25 Sq.Mtrs. of land & the RCC construction thereon of Row Bungalow No. 2 having construction of Dakkhan Saraswati constructed at R $ No. 77/4/4/A at Village Nagdevwadi. Taluka- Karveer Kolhapur and this property is in the name of Mr. Akash Arun Dinde. Mrs Meena Akash Dinde and Mr. Arun Mahadev Dinde and bounded by and towards: East By 15 Pt Wide Road West By Property of Dr Kunal Sheth South By Row Bungalow on Plet No. 1 North By Row Bungalow on Plot No. 3
Row Bunglow No 2 at Plot No 2 at Dakkhan Saraswati R S No. 77 BY 4 BY 4 BY A Vill Nagdevwadi Tq Karveer, Kolhapur