Property Land and commercial Building situated at Door No.4/1060A Kamarajar Nagar located at SF No.523/4A1B, Old SF No 521/2, New Sub Division SF No.521/2B, Old SF No.523/4A1, New Sub division SF No.523/4A1A at Ariyapadi Village and Panchayat measuring 13314 sq.Ft. Boundaries As per Document 5596/2016. North of Land of P.Bhuvaneshwari, South of - East of : Land of Mr. Palani and Church, West of Road As per Document o.5594/2016 Item No.1 : North of Plot of Mr. Vinayagam, South Matha Temple, East Canal, West Property of Mr.Chinnadurai. Item No.2 : North of : Land of Mr.Sekar, South of Land of Mrs. Sangeetha, East Land of Mrs. Sangeetha, West: Canal Item No.1 Mr.G.Annamalai