Property 4 All that piece and parcel of shop room being Shop Room No. 11 at present 19 having areas of more or less 200 Sq.ft. on the first floor along with all common areas and passages in the ground and first floor and proportionate, undivided and impartible share in the land underneath and being part of the four storied building (G+3) comprising under Mouza - Banamalipur, J.L. No. 80, Touzi No. 569, RS Plot Nos. 412, 415 & 416, L.R. Plot Nos. 1230, 1231, 1236 and 1238, under R.S. Khatian Nos. 252. 253, 371, L.R. Khatian No. 749, 750, 754, 755 and 756 of the building named and identified as "ASHOK MARKET". Phase- II. Holding Nos. 9/1 and 13, KNC Road comprised in Pargana Anwarpur, within Ward No. old 1. new 14 of the local limits of Barasat Municipality, ADSR & P.S. - Barasat, District - North 24 Parganas, recorded in Book No. I. Volume No. 1525-2016, Page from 90008 to 90036, being No. 152503780 O for the year 2016, registered at DSR-III, Barasat. Boundaries : North By - 4.5' wide Common Passage, South By - Staircase, East By - Shop No. 12 at present 20 of Manju Roy, West By 4.5' wide Common Passage. The property stands in the name of Sri Soumitra Sarkar, S/o. Sri Samar Sarkar, Keshab Kunja Apartment, Flat No. 3B, Banmalipur, Road Near Samya Sangha Club, Barasat Kolkata - 700 124.