All that Commercial space No.II having super built up area of 26.62 sq. mt. equivalent to 286.47 sq. ft. on the Ground Floor, in the 6 (G+5) storied building block named NEEL KANTA, with proportionate share or interest in the land underneath measuring about 4.125 cottahs on 6.80 decimals of land comprised in Plot No. 711, L.R. Plot No. 423 , Khatian No. 207, L.R. Khataian No.492 and 2009, J.L. No. 74 under Mouza – Faridpur, Police Station – Durgapur, District - West ( Paschim) Burdwan– 713213, Sub-division and Sub- Registry Office at Durgapur being Municipal Holding No. 344/N.I.D. Sarada Pally, within the limits of Ward No. C/21 of Durgapur Municipality, in the name of Mr. Akhilesh Singh vide Deed of Conveyance being no 01228 for the year 2010 , the said land butted and bounded by:- On the East : By land of Sankar Babu On the West : By land of Sudhir Madhu On the North : By land of Maily Babu On the South : By 12 ft. wide pucca Road
Flat No. H on 4th FL 870.17 sq. ft of G4 Building named as Rudra Apartment at Durgapur