All that piece and parcel of Immovable Property related to Deed of Conveyance No. 1- 3691/2013 dated 03.05.2013, Flat No. E. 2nd floor of the building known as "Priya Payel Abasan, Ramkrishna Road Bolpur, Dist-Birbhum, Pin-731 204, Mouza-Bolpur, J.L. No. 99, R.S. Dag Nos. 875, 878, LR Dag No. 2859, RS Khatian No. 620 LR Khatian Nos. 12711, 12712, 12713, 12714, 12715 and 12716, Khatian No. 17712, J.L. No. 99. Dag No. 2859, Area of Flat Super built-up Area of 682 Sq ft. (Carpet area 570 Sq.ft.) in favour of Kakali Dutta.