flat vide No.2B on the first floor at Northern portion measuring a super built up area 980 sq ft more or less with marble flooring without lift facility consisting of three bed rooms one dining cum drawing one kitchen two toilets and two balconies along with right to use of common areasand common facilities in the four storied building called and known as BHUMI APARTMENT lying and situated at Mouza –Ghola J.L No-14 R.S. No-103, Touzi No.6 Prgana – Kalikata comprised in R.S. Dag No-1009, Hal Dag No-1266 under C.S Khatian No-103, R.S. Khatian 112 under ADSR Barrackpore in the District of North 24 Parganas being Holding No.84/2 S.K Chaterjee Road Kolkata 700111