All that piece and parcel of the residential properties bearing Old No: 82,82/1,82/2 & 82/3. New No: 82 situated in Infantry road, Bangalore 560001 in Corporation division No. 70 with the following boundaries-East-Krishniah Chetty Property Cutchi Menon Union & Safina Plaza all facing Main Guard Road, West - Sivadarshan Apartment on Infantry road, Mrs Dhar amraja Pvt Property & Private property facing Infantry cross road, North - Private property No. 6 to 10 on Hospital road. South - Copper Arch Shopping Complex & Infantry road, Schedule B (Mortgaged property) 998 sq ft being the share of undivided right & interest in the schedule B property given here as above and the residential flat No. D4 in the 2nd & mezzanine floor of the construction named as Chandana Apartments measuring super built up area is 1920 sq ft consisting of two bedrooms, two covered car parking space in the basement to be numbered as D4 and private terrace area measuring about 402 sq ft to be used as Terrace Garden only. The flat having 1380 sq ft of Mosaic flooring & 580 sq ft of Marble flooring The BBMP PID No 79-43-82/19