Schedule : Guntur District, Mangalagiri Sub-District Mangalagiri Mandalam Atmakuru Village, R.S No 165/1, 172/3 consisting of an undivided Joint share of 40.00Sq.yard in total extent of 1484.0 sq yds of vacant site, is being bounded by : East : Bye-pass road, South : property of Damarla S Venkata Raju, West: property of Gummadi Nageswara rao, North : Property of V Venkateswaramma. And flat No 405 in a plinth area of 1088 sq ft (including common area) in fourth floor of "DNR ENCLAVE in the aforesaid total site along with all amenities etc Boundaries: East: Flat No 406, West: Flat No 404, South: Open to Sky, North: Common Corridor.