Description of Mortgaged Assets : 1st Item: Guntur District Tenali registration District Tenali municipal 2nd ward, 11th block, TS No.317, out of 290-66 Sq. yards undivided share of place 26-42 Sq. yards or 22-08 Sq. mts in the scheduled property being bounded by: East: Property of Kodali Punnaiah Chowdary-93-6 ft., South: P.W.D Channel - 27-9ft., West: Property of Sriram Muniswami-102-00ft. North: Municipal Road -25-9ft. 2nd Item: In the Door No. 14-13-8/F3 in Sree Sai Residency Apartment Third floor, Flat No.F3. An extent of 700 Sq. feet RCC Plinth area in the scheduled property being bounded by: East: Common corridor, South: Open Sky. West: Open Sky. North: Open Sky.