Residential Flat bearing no. 306 (measuring 891 Sq. feet of saleable area) of Wing B located on Third Floor, of the building named "Hem Ashray" Appartment constructed on land comprised in CTS No. 1462, corresponding no. 108 (part) situated at Chougule Wadi, Tilakwadi, Belgaum, Karnataka - 590001 and provision to park one car in the marked parking lot, within the jurisdiction of City Corporation of Belgaum, and within the Jurisdiction of the Sub-Registrar, Belgaum, alongwith undivided share in the land to the extent of 215 Sq. ft.. bounded as under: Towards East: Common Open passage and staircase Towards West: Flat No. 302 A wing Towards North: Internal Passage, Towards South: Open duct of the building. (The above said property is covered Equitable Mortgage by the deposit of title deeds (i) Agreement to sale dated 17.11.2011 and Deed of Sale bearing no. 10193 dated 17.12.2011 registered at office of the Sub Registrar, Belgaum by Aakar Builders in favour of Sh. Keertikumar Baburao Desai and Smt. Neera w/o Sh. Keertikumar Desai).