Flat No. 102, Built up area admeasuring 280.04sr mtrs and carpet area admeasuring 266.45 sqmtrs on the firstfloor, along with undivided proportionate share in undemeath land of the Building No. A of the project known and name as The Polaris avenue, Situated at Vesu land bearing (1) Old Revnue Survey No. 435/1, its Revision Survey No. 247/1, TP Scheme No. 6. Final Plot No. 59 admeasuring 7028.00 sq. mtrs and (2) Old Revnue Survey No. 465, its Revision Survey No. 248/1, TP Scheme No. 75, Final Plot No. 59/B Paikee Sub Plot No. 1 admeasuring 2707.00 sq. mtrs Total Land Area admeasuring 9735.00 sq mtrs of Village Vesu, Taluka Majura (Surat City), District Surat - 395007. Boundaries: North: Adj. Open Space: South: Adj. Open Space then T.P. Road; East: Adj. Open Space; West: Adj. Passage then Flat No. A/101.