Godowns in Inam Karur, Karur Indian Bank Indian Bank


    Borrower Name
    M/s Venkateswara fabrics
    Bank Name
    Indian Bank
    Property Type
    Property- 1:- Item -1:- All that Piece an parcel of land in Karur Registration District, West Karur Sub-Registration District, Karur Town, 3rd Ward, II Block, T.S.No.19/1 Ramakrishnapuram East, wherein the southern side a house site:- Within the following four boundaries:- North of east-west main road, West of land and building belong to K.Subramaniyam Pillai; South of Second item mentioned hereunder; East of land and building belong to Sundaraj; Within this East-West 16-3/4 feet on the both sides; North-South 56-1/2 feet on the both sides; Total 946 Sq.feet with manool pathway rights etc., The Old S.F.No. for this property is Inam Karur S.F.No.743. Item-2:- All that Piece an parcel of land in Karur Registration District, West Karur Sub-Registration District, Karur Town, 3rd Ward, II Block T.S.No.19/1 and 17/1 Ramakrishnapuram East, wherein the northern side a house site:- Within the following four boundaries:- North of First item mentioned above; West of land and building belong to K.Subramaniyam Pillai; South of common east-west vaikkal; East of land and building belong to Sundaraj; Within this East-West 15-1/4 feet on the both sides; North-South 39-1/2 feet on the both sides; Total 603 Sq.feet with manool pathway rights etc., The Old S.F.No. for this property is Inam Karur S.F.No.743 and 739 Both item total 1549 Sq.ft., = 143.91 Sq.Meter with RCC building, door, window, frame, latrine, bathroom, western side pathway, upstair steps with all easementary rights. The Property is situate within the Karur Municipality limits. The New T.S.No. is 551. The property tax assessment number for the same is 200212. The electricity service connection number for the same is 06-002- 005-395 and 06-002-005-1287 with deposits. The Water tax assessment number is 208192 with deposit. The old Door No. is 9D/C for the same the new door no is 35.
    946 Sq Fteet
    Inam Karur, Karur
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Fri, 18 Oct 2024 10:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Fri, 18 Oct 2024 05:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Authorised Officer :- Mr. Mayank Shekhar - 9486001002
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