All that a piece and Parcel of Land under measuring about 02 Cottah 2 chittaks 13 sq it along with any construction thereon lying and situated at Mouza Tababeria, JL no 71, Touzi 14, LR khatian No 1908 Corresponding to L.R. Khatian No 4466, RS & L R Dag no 2466, ward no 17 Holding No 17/328/97 under the jurisdiction of Ashokenagar Kalyangarh Municipality, PS Ashoknagr, A.D.S.R Guma, Dist north 24 paraganas owned by Mrs. Shila Das W/O Swapan Das recorded in Book No. I, Vol. No. 27, Page from 50 to 63, being No. 04877 for the year 2014, registered at District Sub. Registrar of North 24 Parganas, District North 24 Parganas. Boundaries; North By :- House of Arun Dhar South By :- 6ft wide road East By :- 6ft Wide Road West By :- House of Nirmal Kanti Dey
Land about 02 Cottah 2 chittaks 13 sq ft along with any construction thereon lying and situated at Mouza Tababeria, JL no 71, Touzi 14, LR khatian No 1908 Corresponding to L.R. Khatian No 4466