Registered Mortgage of the Property vide Deed No. 1252 dated 09.03.2018 of land and building admeasuring 0.75 katha, situated at Mauza- Langarpur, Turaochak @ Malahi, P.S. Barh, Tauzi No. 8270, Thana No. 71, Khata No. 21, Plot No. 76, Dist- Patna, Sub Registry Ofice- Barh & Sadar Registry Office- Patna and bounded as under: East- Property of Siyaram Singh, West: Property of Saroj Devi, North: Property of Bindeshwari Singh, South: Property of Lalita Devi.
Registered Mortgage of the Property vide Deed No. 1252 dated 09.03.2018 of land and building admeasuring 0.75 katha,