SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY The specific details of the property intended to be brought to sale through e-auction mode are enumerated below: All that piece and parcel of land an building of an extent pf 2421 Sq. ft. comprised in Ward E. Block 9. TS No. 11/1/2, RS No. 121/1. Patta No. 1219, situated at No 27, South Street, Dharmapuram Village, Karaikal, Puducherry UT, with an extent of 2421 Sq. ft. along with constructed house within SRO Karaikal and Registration District of Karaikal Belonging to Mr. M. Mohan Raj. Situated within the Registration District of Karaikal and Sub Registration District of Karaikal Prior Encumbrances on property : Nil. PROPERTY ID No. : IDIB6219597969A