All that part and parcel of the Residential Land & Building over Plot No.: 229/1427/1304, Khata No.: 350/362, Area: Ac.0.150 Dec., Mouza: Karapada, Via: Chattrapur, Dist.: Ganjam, in the name of Smt. Uma Nayak, Bounded by East: Gorji & Land of Jutia Nayak, West: Homestead Land of Simanchala Nayak, North: Land of Jutai Nayak, South: Road in Plot No.: 228
plot no-229 BY 1427 BY 1304, khata no-350 BY 362, area- ac 0.150 dec and plot no-255 BY 1474, khata no-354 BY 389, area- ac 0.057 dec